Summer is just around the corner and I have to say, I am rather looking forward to it, especially as this Summer will mark the beginning of a new chapter in my life as I move on from High School and progress to College - EEK! Here is a list of 15 things I want to do in the Summer of 2015 (see what I did there)
1) Make a new friend
In July, I shall be taking part in NCS, which, although I am nervous about, I am still looking forward to. If you don't know what NCS is, you can check out their website HERE. There is only one person that I know taking part also and, as we are put into group anyways, I will certainly be mixing with a bunch of different people, some of which I would maybe like to make friends with! I will be interacting with people who I would have otherwise not have met, so even just making one friend would be amazing and so exciting!
2) Go somewhere new
After I finish my exams in July, I will have a hell of a lot of time off and I will definitely want to go on some trips or maybe even holidays. I haven't been on any super exotic holidays before and only first travelled on an aeroplane a couple of years ago, however, I would love to go somewhere I haven't been to before, whether that be a city in my country for a day trip or a completely different country for a holiday! Either way, I can't wait to explore this Summer!
3) Get a job
The fact that I will have time off school until September means I will probably get bored on more than one occasion! I am also turning 16 on 3rd August, so I will be starting to look for a job! I've never had a job before and just the thought of applying for one scares me haha! It would, of course, just be something small but the thought of working does excite me a little!
4) Laugh so hard that I cry
I spend my life laughing, especially with my friends, and there isn't a day that goes by when I don't give myself tummy ache from laughing so hard - I'm expecting to wake up with a 6-pack one day haha! I also laugh with tears rolling down my face constantly, and this is definitely something that I want to do a lot during the Summer!
5) Have a barbeque
Barbeques are something that we used to have a lot of when I was younger, however, I can't remember the last time I had one! I definitely want to have one this Summer as I think the whole process of having one is so fun, especially with family and, of course, anything that involves eating I am totally up for haha!
6) Become more confident
This is a big thing that I want to achieve this Summer. Of course, confidence isn't just something that comes to you overnight, however, it also hasn't come to me over the past 15 years haha. I have always been a rather shy person but I 'm sure that leaving school will help me come out of my shell. Throughout the many weeks that I am off, I would love to be able to see myself grow more naturally confident, and I'm hoping my NCS experience will help with this too!
7) Try a new pizza topping
As most of you will know, (especially if you follow me on Twitter as I am always tweeting about it) I am obsessed with pizza and I could probably live off it for the rest of my life quite easily, however, I always have the same margherita topping, just cheese and tomato. I used to be a pepperoni fan, but no longer am. I never go for the exotic toppings like a lot of people do but, this Summer, I would like to try something new on my pizza. I mean, I love pizza too much for trying a new topping to put me off it completely so I may as well give it a go haha!
8) Take lots of photos
I love taking photos (mainly selfies....but proper photos too haha!) and I definitely want to take a tonne this Summer. As I have days out and go on trips to different places, I am sure I will be taking lots of photographs and, of course, my Instagram should look pretty this Summer as long as the sun is shining - priorities! ;)
9) Start wearing contact lenses
I have been trying to put contact lenses in for quite a few weeks now and have been on a couple of trips to the Opticians, however, I haven't managed to get them in by myself yet. I haven't been back to the Opticians for a bit as I've been super busy with exams, however, once they are out of the way, I definitely want to try again and start wearing contact lenses sometimes after wearing glasses for so long!
10) Buy a pair of sunglasses
This sort of links in with number 9. I haven't been able to wear sunglasses for quite a number of years now due to my poor eyesight and not wearing contact lenses, well, I could wear sunglasses, however, I wouldn't be able to see a thing out of them! So, once I have mastered the art of putting contact lenses in, I definitely want to buy some nice sunglasses! Hopefully, it will be sunny so I can wear them lots!
11) Watch a scary movie
I have never actually watched a scary movie, well, unless you count The Woman In Black, which is 12A yet I was still absolutely terrified by it!!! My friends and I always enjoy (I use that word rather loosely) watching lots of scary movie trailers and scaring ourselves silly so I would like to watch an actual full movie this Summer, well, whether I am able to survive more than five minutes we shall have to see and I know it would stop be sleeping for weeks, but I just want to be able to say I have watched a scary movie (and lived to tell the tale haha!)
12) Go to a theme park
As I plan to have many days out this Summer, a theme park is definitely one place I want to go to! Although I am a baby and scream at just the thought of a rollercoaster, I love theme parks, even if I do only go on the tiny rides, but I will definitely go on them all 100 times over haha! Theme park days are always such a fun day out and, although they leave you exhausted at the end of it, it is always so much fun, especially when it is sunny!
13) Perfect my braiding skillz (with a Z of course)
Normal, three strand plaits are something I can do with my eyes closed. I can also do fishtail braids, although rarely do as they take forever with my hair! However, I spend so long trying to do all those fancy French braids, Dutch braids, and whatever other kinds of braids there are, but I cannot seem to do them! It makes me want to tear my hair out whenever I try haha! The number of tutorials I have watched is insane but, this Summer, I really want to get better at braiding as braided hairstyles looks so pretty, particularly on a sunny day!
14) Do lots of baking
This is something that I am really excited to do! I absolutely love baking, however, it is something I don't feel as though I do enough of! The whole process of baking something is so exciting, from buying your ingredients to pulling your finished product out of the oven at the end! Cakes and cookies are what I love making but I would also love to try baking new things! Baking also means you have a yummy treat to tuck into at the end too so what's not to love!? I especially love baking with my Granny (hiya, because I know you read this!) so I'm looking forward to carrying it on throughout the Summer!
15) BE HAPPY! :)
These past few years, I have spent so much time being unhappy but I hope that changes this year. I have a strong feeling that, when I leave school things will start to get better and a huge weight shall be lifted off of my shoulders! I'm planning on writing a post after leaving school so keep your eyes peeled for that but this Summer, I just want to focus on being happy and try not to worry. I want to have lots of happy days with my friends and family, create lots of memories and start a new chapter in my life.
What do you want to do this Summer? <3
Love, Emily :) xx
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