My last Q&A went down a treat which made me think "Hey Emily, you should do another." So, that's exactly what I shall be doing. I took to good old Twitter to ask your lovely faces for some random, thought provoking, interesting questions about any topic of your choice and you did not disappoint - so thank you, otherwise this would have been realllllly awkward.
I don't think there's much more for me to say in this introduction as the rest of this blog post is bound to be extremely rambly and my answers are sure to be long (they always are, I'm sorry, I just like words okay!?) so we may as well just get started! LET'S GO!
What make-up product can you not leave the house without?
It has to be powder. It's just gotta be powder. Sure, I throw a lipstick in my bag in case the one I'm wearing fades and I bring a concealer in case the planets on my face (aka spots) decide to resurface during the day, however, within a couple of hours of walking out of the door my face resembles an oily fish, therefore, I find I need to powder constantly in order to remain looking human as oppose to a block of butter. If I do not take powder with me when I go out, I feel paranoid for the entire time that my make-up is melting off of my face and, trust me, it isn't cute when that happens.
Would you ever travel somewhere on your own?
I would love to just travel more in general. I've travelled to a handful of destinations on my bucket list, which I am eternally grateful to have done, but there is an endless list of beautiful countries which I still want to explore as, really, I'm not well travelled (blame school and my lack of money). I enjoy spending time on my own, I'm just one of those people, and so I spend the majority of my time in my own company but, when it comes to travelling, I prefer to do that with other people. I think one of the best things about travelling is not just exploring new exciting places but the fact that you get to do so with people you care about. Its great to see new sights and visit interesting places but I find doing that so much more enjoyable when I'm with other people. It's all part of the experience, being with others, as you get to share jokes and create new memories. I doubt I'd enjoy a holiday much on my own as I'd spend the entirety of it thinking things like "I wish my Mum was here to see this..." so, in short, I would travel alone but I'd rather not as I think travelling is so much more than just going to a place and seeing things, its about laughing, joking, pointing and things and saying "WOW isn't that amazing?" Travelling is something to cherish and appreciate and I think we should always aim to allow travel to bring us together so we can look back in 50 years and say "Hey, remember in 2017 when we went to..." Besides, if I travelled alone, who would take cute photos of me for Instagram? (Jokes).
What is your blogging routine?
I'd love to say I have one but, in all honesty, I don't. I just blog when I feel like blogging as I think that's when I produce the best pieces. I don't believe in a writing schedule or restricting yourself to only posting on specific days because, sometimes, it can mean you feel as though you're being forced to write blog posts and you're just blogging for the sake of blogging. Without the constraints of a schedule, I can upload blog posts on whatever days I choose and my readers get a surprise when they check back to see I've uploaded something new. When I get an idea, I blog, which often means I write a handful of blog posts in one day. Some days, I'm in blogging moods, others I want to do nothing less than blog, which I think is a writer thing - most of the writers you meet will tell you that they despise writing most of the time yet love it with all of their heart simultaneously. If a headline in the news catches my eye or if I read something on social media that provokes opinions within me, I'll write a blog post. My only rule is "If its too long to Tweet, write a blog post on it." Whenever I have thoughts on something, whenever something happens, I take to my blog - another pro of not having a schedule is your content cannot be out of date. For example, if the GRAMMYs happen on a Monday but my blog schedule means I can only write a blog post on it on Sunday, will people still be interested? All of that being said, however, I can struggle to find time to blog as I'm a full time student. Consequently, I often write most of my content from Friday through to Sunday as its the time when I'm free and can focus solely on putting good articles together. I also find, generally, other people are more active online at the weekend too and will be looking for something to read, especially on days like Sunday, so blogging over the weekend works well for everyone. Although, if I do feel the desire to write a blog post on a Wednesday, nothing is stopping me from doing that, which I love. To be honest, I would love to spend all of my days blogging, but that isn't possible.
What is your biggest regret?
I'm not really one for regrets as the past cannot be changed and fretting over what you have or haven't done benefits no one. For this question, I could very easily give a generic answer along the lines of "I regret caring too much about what other people think of me," which is true, I despise the fact that I have that mindset every day, however, I know that I'll learn to cope with that in time and, as I grow as a person, hopefully, everything will just fall into place. I know that won't happen overnight so I'll just spend some more time worrying about what others think of me until I'm ready to feel 100% happy and comfortable within myself, which will take years most likely. Something I do regret is giving up dancing. Don't get me wrong, I can bust some decent moves when I'm home alone, however, I attended dance classes from about the age of 3 until I was 9, doing tap, street, jazz and ballet dancing. I had the most fun each lesson, completed exams and won trophies, danced on stage in pretty costumes and made some really good friends. I was forced to stop, however, after spending a month in hospital in 2008. I took time out to recover and, in the end, I just never went back, which I do kick myself for now. I loved, and still do love, dance, and deeply wish I still attended the classes, particularly as it was such a warm, lovely community. Whether I'd still be doing it now if I did go back, I don't know, as I spend most of my time thinking about school but it was a great hobby of mine and I do really wish I still did ballet in especially. Perhaps one day I'll get chance to dance properly again, although, I feel as though I'm finding my path now and, if I did dance, maybe I wouldn't have fallen so in love with writing? Who knows. Everything happens for a reason.
Where do you see yourself in ten years time?
I hate questions like this because I'M STILL A CHILD OKAY AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING WITH MY LIFE!!!! Haha. Honestly, I have noooo idea. I do not have a Crystal ball and, ten years ago, I would not have predicted my life to be the way it is today. So much as changed and I have grown so much. If I had to take a wild guess, in ten years I'll be 27 (which terrifies me to think about). I'd like to be doing a job I love, at the moment that'd be in journalism but you never know, my passions could change. But, right now, I'd love to be a journalist, just getting along, doing well in life, spending time with new friends and just generally feeling okay about everything. I guess I just want to be settled, both within myself and in my surroundings. I'd like to be living alone, God knows where, and perhaps be in a relationship? I don't know. We'll see what happens, eh? Here's to the next ten years.
You can only use one app for the rest of your life: Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat?
Snapchat is totally something I could live without. Sure, I like to see what certain celebrities are up to every now and again, but I just never got on the hype and rarely upload anything on there. Instagram, I adore, not just for posting my own photos, but because I thoroughly enjoy scrolling down my feed and liking other people's snaps. I love seeing what they're getting up to and crying over people's perfect selfies. I also have a great love for photography myself and, occasionally, share my snaps on Insta. Despite my love for the gram, though, Twitter has my heart. How people do not use it is beyond me as I spend far too much time on there. Its nothing to be ashamed of though really, because Twitter is highly educational, it isn't just some other social media site where people talk to strangers in other countries. I see Twitter as a news source and, without it, I wouldn't be clued up on half of the things I'm clued up on. I also love reading other peoples opinions on subjects and allowing them to open my eyes to thinking in different ways. Twitter is a fantastic way of communicating with the world, I've made many friends on there. Its brilliant for sharing your thoughts, starting discussions, finding new things from music to food to films and, of course, keeping up with the latest One Direction news, obviously. Literally though, Twitter is life. It must never die.
What do you find most challenging about having a blog?
Again, it goes back to the time thing. The most challenging thing for me is finding the time to just sit with my laptop and blog. Sure, I may get stuck for ideas every once in a while but coming up with blog posts isn't something I'd say is challenging, especially as my blog content is so varied - one day you're reading about politics, the next you're reading about my favourite Harry Styles outfits - I haven't limited myself to only talking about beauty, for example, so there's always something I can write about, whether that's celebrity, fashion or news related. I always have thoughts and opinions on things and I always want to share them. I wouldn't say blogging is challenging, if I had to pick an adjective to describe it. There are far more challenging things out there, although, I do appreciate that it can have its cons and everything doesn't always run smoothly for everyone. That being said, I thoroughly enjoy having and running a blog and plan on doing so for the foreseeable future. I don't find it challenging competing with fellow bloggers because that isn't my thing and page views and followers aren't my main concern. I think if I saw blogging as a daily challenge, I probably wouldn't do it but everything comes with obstacles and, just like with any hobby, you hit a brick wall sometimes but I use those brick walls to motivate me and spur me on to create top quality content.
How do you relax at night? Do you read, listen to music or shut off all of your electronics?
I'd love to tell you that I shut off all of my electronics...but I can't...because I don't. If anything, the night time is my prime electronic using time as I love being tucked up in bed with my laptop either watching a movie, YouTube videos, or just generally browsing the web to keep up to date with what's going on in the world. I enjoy connecting with people on social media in the night time and listening to music too. Occasionally, I will read whatever book I have on the go at the moment too, as well as writing blog posts and editing images for my blog as the night time tends to be when I have the least responsibilities and can pretty much do whatever I want in my bedroom. To me, relaxing doesn't just have to be about cutting off your internet supply and lying in a bath with a face mask on for three hours. Don't get me wrong, I love a bubble bath, however, relaxing to me is just doing whatever the hell I like, whether that's watching TV or writing. Relaxing, to me, is doing what I enjoy and if I enjoy scrolling through Twitter until 3am then that is what I shall do.
Are there any quotes you live by?
UGH I LOVE A GOOD QUOTE. There would be too many for me to name. I find I often read things and think "OMG THAT'S GORGEOUS" then forget the quotes five minutes later. Honestly, the only four words I live by are "BE A NICE PERSON" because, if you're nice to people, you really cannot go far wrong in life. I like being nice and being nice feels nice, so I always try to be the nicest person I can possibly be in every situation. Its a case of "When life gives you lemons, send life a nice thank you note, something along the lines of 'thank you for the lemons.'" You know? Be loving, graceful, accepting, appreciative and kind and you'll be okay. I have compiled a list of ten of my favourite quotes below for you to read. These are some of my all time favourites which I think apply perfectly to everyday life so I hope you like them too...
"When you can’t find someone to follow, you have to find a way to lead by example."
-Roxane Gay (from Bad Feminist)
"The scariest moment is always just before you start."
-Stephen King
"Find what you love and let it kill you. Let it drain you of your all. Let it cling onto your back and weigh you down into eventual nothingness. Let it kill you and let it devour your remains. For all things will kill you, both slowly and fastly, but it’s much better to be killed by a lover."
-Charles Bukowski
"Wherever you are, at any moment, try and find something beautiful. A face, a line out of a poem, the clouds out of a window, some graffiti, a wind farm. Beauty cleans the mind."
-Matt Haig (from Reasons To Stay Alive)
"We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are."
-Max de Pree
"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of harming another; you end up getting burned."
"Live the full life of the mind, exhilarated by new ideas, intoxicated by the Romance of the unusual."
-Ernest Hemingway
"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!""
-Hunter S. Thompson (from The Proud Highway)
"Happiness can exist only in acceptance."
-George Orwell
"Sometimes it is the people no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine."
-Alan Turing (from The Imitation Game)
Would you have voted for Hilary Clinton in the US election if she was against someone other than Trump?
Well, that really is impossible to answer without knowing who her opponent would be. Although, I doubt highly that any opposition could have been worse than Trump and by worse I mean any more heinous, pathetic, racist, incredibly rude and sexist, meaning I would have probably voted for whoever he was against, yes, because I cannot see two Donald Trumps running for President - I like to think the world has a little sense left. For me, Bernie Sanders was the better option but, when it was a straight fight between Clinton and Trump, she was my woman all the way. Obviously, I'm neither of voting age or a US citizen but I still became heavily involved and interested in the election and I am just generally passionate about the current situation of the US. I know Clinton had her flaws but she was by far the lesser of two evils and, if elected, the worst that could've happened was the US having a bad President, which they've had before and will probably have again, however, with Trump as President, its a whole new ball game. Sure, he's an idiot, but he isn't just an idiot, the man is a real danger and has already had a detrimental impact on the lives of millions of people across the globe. I was an avid Clinton supporter all the way and so my heart shattered when I woke up and learnt the news that she wouldn't be the US' 45th President. Although, I now stand by Americans, and the rest of the world, in the fight for equality against a leader who embodies hatred, racism, sexism, misogyny and just pure evil.
Which Little Mix album is your favourite?
I love all of Little Mix's albums and there are very few of their songs which I do not like but I love each album for different reasons. If we're picking the best pop album, its Get Weird. If we're picking the album which is most likely to put the girls well and truly on the map and which contains the best songs for a wide audience overall, its Glory Days. If we're picking the album with the most beautiful songs with the most inspirational and meaningful lyrics, its hands down going to be DNA. If we're picking the album with the songs that I could never ever tire of, its Salute. I'm one of those fans who believes Salute is probably the best Little Mix album, overall, and I do wish it was more successful, although my favourite Little Mix album would be one which was a compilation of all of my favourite Little Mix songs. Is that allowed?
Where would you like to visit most in the world?
I have a travel bucket list and, as previously mentioned, I'm not well travelled and want to spend a large portion of my adult life exploring new places. At this moment in time, I desperately want to visit Japan as it truly fascinates me and I think I'd be so happy there. That being said though, any chance I get to travel to ANY place in the world, I'd be so grateful for. I would love to go back to Paris and London, which I visited for the first time in 2015 and 2016 and I was blown away by them and their beauty.
What is it like to meet an online friend? Do you feel scared or nervous and should you bring someone with you?
Meeting anyone new is a huge deal for me. I have met an online friend in the real world (shock horror, one of those actually exists) and its terrifying because this person has created a whole opinion of you based on your Tweets and Instagram posts. Really, they have no idea who you are as we are all very selective when it comes to choosing what we share online. You have also built up an opinion of them which could be proved either totally right or very wrong in your first meeting. Therefore, meeting someone from the internet in real life is terribly frightening as its such an unnatural situation to be meeting someone in. Although, the chances are, the person you are meeting is just as nervous as you are because they're going to physically be meeting someone they've only ever seen in photos. I would always recommend bringing someone along with you, whether that's a parent, friend or older sibling, whatever makes you feel comfortable. Just for safety reasons and so you know there's someone there for you should anything go wrong. Although, like most things in life, you probably work yourself up over meeting an internet friend for no reason and the chances of everything being totally fine and you having a great time are high.
Advice on how to express your honest opinion without insulting someone?
I understand that it's difficult to know what you can and cannot say sometimes, especially nowadays as the list of things that aren't acceptable grows each day. We all want to be as truthful as we can in every situation but we don't always know how people are going to react to our comments. Honestly, to answer your question, it just goes back to the thing I mentioned earlier about being a nice person. Whenever you're about to say something, if you're unsure about how its going to be received, take some time out to consider the impact it may have, don't just blurt things out if you know there's a chance they may cause offence. Imagine how you would feel if that thing was said to you and, if you wouldn't like it, then why would you want to say that thing to another person? Try to phrase things in the nicest ways possible so they sound constructive as oppose to rude. Everything can be phrased differently. There's never any need to just insult somebody for the sake of expressing your own opinion because insulting someone has helped 0% of people in 0% of situations. Be positive and kind and say things how you would want them to be said to you. Take people away from crowds to talk to them alone if it helps. At the end of the day, just aim to be a nice person and, soon enough, the things that come out of your mouth won't need to be deliberated beforehand because they will already be wonderful and kind. Basically, just keep anything nasty to yourself and don't say things unless they're going to add value to someones life.
Out of all the make-up products you own, which is your favourite?
I wish I had a more exciting answer for this but, honestly, it has to be the Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer. Its about £4 but I must have been through thirty bottles of it since I began wearing make-up. Its high coverage and so helps to boost my confidence by concealing my acne, scars and dark under eye circles, plus, it lasts all day and is yet to fail me. Its my staple make-up product and, if I didn't have time to apply anything else in the morning before leaving the house, I'd be able to whack some of this on and be good to go. I know that's probably a boring answer but, honestly, its SO GOOD. Go buy it.
Do you see blogging and Tweeting as a job or as a step on the road to getting a job? Or just a hobby?
Blogging and Tweeting have never been my job and I doubt I'd ever blog full-time. I had Twitter way before my blog was born and joined just for the social aspect of it. I still enjoy Twitter just as much now as I did a few years ago and I do use it to share my blog posts as I know most of my readers come from there but, really, Twitter is just a bit of fun and, for me, its another place to share my thoughts and opinions besides my blog. I don't see blogging as anything other than a hobby but I do love to write and hope to work in writing in the future. I always write down that I have a blog on things like application forms, and it does help, as it has given me writing experience and shows I'm already taking steps towards getting my work out there to an audience. So yes, I guess you could call it a step on the road to getting a job but it isn't essential of course. Blogging and using social media are just things that I really enjoy and if doing things I enjoy benefits my future too, happy days.
What are your biggest goals in life?
Honestly, I just wanna be happy, that's it. Maybe have a goldfish or something. But that's it. I want pure happiness and I want those around me to experience happiness in their lives too. (I also want to change the world but I'm working on that one right now).
What are your favourite hobbies? I need a new one!
I love writing, whether that be news articles, blog posts, poems or short stories but, besides writing I thoroughly enjoy photography. I'd encourage anybody to pick it up as its both fun and therapeutic. Taking photos really opens your eyes to the fact that there is beauty in small things and it can alter your perspective of things. Also, there's no better feeling than looking back on the photos you've taking and thinking "UGH THAT'S A REALLY GOOD ONE!" You don't even need a top of the range camera to get into photography, what with the wide range of smart phones and photo editing apps there are out there nowadays. Its something anyone can do, it can be universally loved and celebrated and two people will never take exactly the same photograph, which I think is amazing. Oh, as well as photography, I love reading, poetry in particular and anything inspiring and empowering. There are so many beautiful forms of poetry out there and people often turn their noses up at it and think its just for old women, well, it isn't. Poetry is for everyone and so many poems have really struck a chord with me. I also love playing Scrabble, literally its the best board game ever, and can I say that educating myself is a hobby? I'm constantly reading up on things and trying to broaden my knowledge of the world, which I reckon everyone should do.
Would you ever make YouTube videos? You'd be my favourite YouTuber!
I sometimes watch YouTube videos and I'll admit it does look terribly fun, particularly daily vlogging as the thought of being able to watch your whole life back one day must be incredible. However, I am far too socially awkward for YouTube and the thought of filming myself and putting it on the internet terrifies me, therefore, I think I'll stick to writing for now, which is something I can do in my pyjamas whilst looking like something that's just been trampled on and nobody will ever know. (P.S: I'm awfully flattered that you'd want to watch my videos but, trust me, if you're going to watch my life you may as well just watch paint dry).
Would you like to work in the writing industry? Newspapers, magazines, etc...
As previously mentioned, I want to be a journalist. What type exactly, I have no idea. Well, you won't be reading my articles about football matches that's for sure, but I'm sure, in time, as I learn and explore more within the industry, my path will come to me and I'll have a light bulb moment and know exactly what I want to write. All I know now is that I love to write and would love to have other people reading my writing as part of my job. Don't worry, I won't be one of those trashy journalists who writes for things like The Sun and never prints a word of the truth but enjoys ruining peoples lives for their own monetary gain, I'll be a decent journalist, I promise.
Sooo that concludes my second Q&A! What did you think? Apologies for writing so much - oops I got carried away. Let me know if you'd like me to do more of these in the future.
Love, Emily :) xx
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